For the market launch, we proposed a classic “teaser-revelation” scheme. The outdoor teaser campaign has created intrigue, and the TV commercial revelation campaign gained the customers’ attention. For that time, and that market and that product, the TV was a better medium to get massive customer responses.
PS. Sorry, guys, I only have the video of this quality.
The big ugly text at the bottom of the video is a health warning. Unfortunately, health warnings always occupy a specific area of alcohol or tobacco layouts due to local advertising laws. Therefore, it must be contrasted enough, and you can’t get rid of it.

During the advertising campaign launch, the typical TV advertising slot was overflowing with competitors with a much longer history of market presence, regular consumers, and much bigger media budgets.
Most of the commercials were luxury filmed table-top scenes with flow-motion herring and onion slicing or bearded anecdotes about three friends fishing or hunting.
It took something radically different from the existing commercials to stand out from the crowd, especially with a small advertising budget.
So we created a unique animation story, with graphic, stylized a-la vintage political caricatures from the Soviet-time Ukrainian comic magazine “Perets.” Bold and coarse pencil lines and “washed” one-color palette correspond to the bottle labels’ primary color.
First, Nikita Lazorenko, the project copywriter, created a brand name, “Bayka,” that perfectly fell into the target audience. In the Ukrainian language, “Bayka” means “folk tales.”
After that, he wrote three excellent stories, which could touch the heart of any Ukrainians. These were crafted like fanny folk-tales about glorious victories of Ukrainian Cossacks. Simple, fun, and never heard before.
All stories were specially written that look like stories of famous Ukrainian underground poet Les Poderevyansky. Each story was finalized by pack-shot with a brand slogan “The Bayka: did you heard about it?.” In Ukrainian, this slogan is two words only.

All TV commercials were voiced by Les Podervjansky, the most famous Ukrainian avant-garde artist and poet. An enormous amount of several generations of people on all ex-USSR territory knows his voice, from youth when they secretly listened and copied his plays via audiotapes.
It’s funny but very subcultural poetry. To feel it, you must be a Ukrainian and had to remember the ugly USSR time.
This voice-over was a final essence, transforming vodka advertising into a highly memorized TV spot.
Art-Director: Mike Lytiuga.
Art direction and production supervision.
Copywriter: Nikita Lazorenko.
Brand name and scenario.
Designer: Nikita Titov.
Logo and bottle label design.
Animation: Vladimir Pospelov.
Agency: BATES Ukraine (later RAVI JWT)
Video Production: Wizard Post, Ukraine.
“Bayka” vodka confidently took its place on the stores’ shelves, pushed off rivals with bigger budgets, and consolidated into the customer’s mind.
The phrase “Baika: did you heard about it?” for some time has become the popular verbal meme; the ad campaign even fell into the local textbook on advertising.
The visual style made it possible to create a spectacular tv commercial video, which was entirely different from any other ads in the TV cluster, and allowed to gain more prominent users’ attention with a much smaller production & media budget.
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